Dr Bev Smallwood


Workplace leaders and team members today are challenged to do more with less and to stay productive and positive while doing it. Magnetic Workplaces ® provides creative ideas and practical strategies for stressed-out, stretched-out people. When you attend one of psychologist Dr. Bev Smallwood’s seminars, use our study resources, or apply the tips found throughout this website, both you and your organization will experience benefits of great MAGNET-TUDE!

You will:

  • become a more “magnetic” person…attracting others to you because of your positive attitude and energy;
  • become more resilient, weathering adversity and bouncing back after setbacks;
  • improve your ability to connect with people and to keep valuable relationships;
  • discover strategies for dealing with difficult bosses, team members, and other humans;
  • learn the secrets of avoiding burnout and making stress work for you;
  • learn how to bring out the best in yourself and others.

Your organization will:

  • develop caring and competent leaders;
  • attract and recruit talented people;
  • retain good employees, reducing turnover and building the bottom line;
  • energize people for top performance;
  • build teams aligned for a meaningful purpose;
  • experience more open and clear communication;
  • move toward becoming the employer of choice for employees of choice.

Dr. Bev's Magnetic Workplaces® Program

These seminars offer powerful tips, tools and strategies on issues that really make a difference. Contact us to discuss the benefits they may bring to your audience members.

This Wasn't Supposed to Happen to Me: 10 Make-Or-Break Choices When Life Steals Your Dreams and Rocks Your World - more

Magnetic Customer Service: Making Your Customers VIP’s - more

How to Ride the Winds of Change Without Getting Blown Away: Thriving in Organizational Transitions - more

Back From Burnout: Combating Compassion Fatigue and Renewing Commitment - more

From Personality Clashes to Partners: Capitalizing on Differences to Build a High-Performing Team - more

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Become more successful at work and home by applying tips in Dr. Bev’s monthly ezine. Sign up now!

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2013 Hardy Street

Hattiesburg, MS 39401


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