Dr Bev Smallwood

The Magnetic Leadership Coaching Process


The purpose of the Magnetic Leadership Coaching process is to develop emotionally intelligent persons of influence who can contribute positively and productively to the organization, bringing out the best in those with whom they are in contact. Magnetic Leaders attract, energize, and keep great people.

What Coaching Clients and Sponsors Can Expect

As a result of the MLCP, executives/managers/key providers will:

  1. identify their strengths, talents, and personal leadership styles so that these can be fully deployed in the improvement process;
  2. gain clear awareness of the knowledge, skills, and habits they need to improve through testing, coaching interview, and 360-degree feedback;
  3. set specific, measurable goals in collaboration with their sponsor, based on the gaps between what they need to be doing vs. what they are currently doing;
  4. work directly with Dr. Bev Smallwood on developing skills, breaking through psychological barriers and bad habits, and utilizing their natural strengths to minimize weaknesses and maximize personal and interpersonal effectiveness;
  5. be accountable for responding to feedback and on-the-job assignments that are critical for skill development and behavior change;
  6. create at least two written reports on progress toward goals for review and discussion with Dr. Bev as well as the sponsor.

First, Is There a Fit?

Before we take a Magnetic Leadership Coaching client, we must mutually determine if there is a fit between our process and the client’s needs and motivations. We make that initial assessment via two telephone calls – one with the sponsor and one with the potential client. There are no professional fees for this initial discussion.

  1. Call with sponsor (person initiating the work who is responsible for payment). We want to know things like;
    1. issues the potential coaching client needs to address;
    2. performance gaps (whether in current or potential job);
    3. sponsor’s expectations vs. the MLC process;
    4. what’s been done so far to try to achieve the desired improvements and results;
    5. whether this is a high-achieving person being groomed for greater responsibility;
    6. whether this a “last resort” intervention;
    7. what logistical arrangements will be made/required for effective participation?
  2. Call with potential coaching client. We want to know things like:
    1. to what extent the person perceives there are challenges that need to be addressed;
    2. how the potential client feels about the coaching process, especially if the coaching was someone else’s idea;
    3. change efforts the person has participated in before and results:
    4. how aware the person is of his/her difficulties;
    5. the individual’s expectations, either positively or negatively, of his/her future in the organization;
    6. the person’s level of commitment to and engagement in the MLC process, once it is explained.

Based on these phone conversations, we make a mutual determination about whether there is a good fit in terms of the potential client’s needs, motivations, expectations, and commitment and the MLC process. If all agree to proceed, logistics will be determined and a business agreement will be sent to the sponsor with an invoice. The authorized signature on the agreement and the receipt of payment initiates the Magnetic Leadership Coaching Process.

Phase One: Assessment

It’s been said that treatment without diagnosis is malpractice. The assessment phase of the Magnetic Leadership Coaching Process provides Dr. Bev and the coaching client with the information needed for personal insight, goal setting, and action assignments.

  1. Dr. Bev conducts an in-person or phone interview with the client to more thoroughly hear self-perceptions of performance and current goals.
  2. The client takes validated leadership assessment instruments that reveal his/her leadership behavior, style, values, talents, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  3. Dr. Smallwood will obtain feedback from four to six individuals who routinely interact with the clients (e.g., immediate supervisor, peers, direct reports and optionally, the person’s spouse or significant other). The purpose of this phase of the assessment process is to obtain feedback on how the client is perceived by others in terms of interpersonal interactions and self-management.
  4. Dr. Bev conducts an on-site, one-on-one session with the client to gather work and personal history, looking especially for learning and behavioral patterns that could be impacting job performance and personal mastering; and to debrief the information obtained for the assessment phase. The client’s self-perceptions will be compared with the assessment data gathered from others.

Phase Two: Preparation and Goal Setting

Based on the findings in the Assessment Phase, Dr. Bev and the client will agree on up to five targets for improvement. These will be observable, measurable indicators that the desired changes and skill building have taken place over the six- or seven-month period. These goals will then be put into writing and a copy given to the client and, in some cases, the sponsor.

Phase 3: Action and Accoutability

This phase of the Magnetic Leadership Coaching process involves the actual skill development and implementation of changes in the work setting. Using both her coaching and her clinical skills as a psychologist, Dr. Bev leads the client through a process of developing insight about faulty thought patterns and behaviors, rehearsing alternative responses, and practicing more effective skills in the real-world setting. Learning outcomes will include the key competencies of emotional intelligence – managing oneself and relating with others.

More specifically, Phase III typically entails the following:

  1. at least 14 telephone or face-to-face coaching sessions (usually weekly for first month, two times per month next five months);
  2. optional shadowing for observation and coaching in various challenging situations, e.g., making presentations or leading meetings;
  3. consultation with sponsor, as needed;
  4. availability for telephone appointment or email communication for crisis or quick issues coaching throughout the process;
  5. client preparation of learning summary at three months;
  6. final re-assessment by perceptual interviews and 360-degree ratings regarding target goals and client self-assessment;
  7. client preparation of final learning summary;
  8. coach comments and recommendations for future learning and development.
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